Policy Brief: The UK's International Human Rights Obligations during COVID-19

John Harrington, of Cardiff Law and Global Justice, and Professor of Global Health Law, Cardiff University, and Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Associate Professor of Law, Warwick University, have made a submission to the Joint Parliamentary Human Rights Committee Inquiry on COVID-19 setting out the UK’s extraterritorial human rights obligations at times of pandemics, with a particular focus on the right to health, and evaluating the UK’s performance at global level with reference to these obligations.

Communicable Diseases and Human Rights: Key Issues for Responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Communicable Diseases and Human Rights: Key Issues for Responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic

The current Covid-19 pandemic and the measures implemented across the world to combat it have profound implications for human rights. Justifications need to be found for restrictions on civil liberties with a solid basis in public health science. Social and economic rights to health, food and a basic livelihood are directly threatened and also impacted by lockdown measures. In this paper Dr Sharifah Sekalala (Warwick Law School) and Professor John Harrington (Cardiff Law and Global Justice) discuss the human rights issues raised by communicable diseases.